понедельник, 22 ноября 2010 г.

Красное море

Arothron hispidus / Колючий аротрон

Arothron stellatus / Звездчатый аротрон 

 Arothron diadematus / Масковый аротрон 

Canthigaster margaritata / Жемчужный иглобрюх

Ostracion cubicus / Кузовок кубик (juv.)

Ostracion cubicus / Кузовок кубик 

Diodon liturosus / Чернопятнистая рыба-ёж

 Diodon hystrix / Длинношипая рыба-ёж 

1 комментарий:

  1. As claimed by Stanford Medical, It's indeed the ONLY reason this country's women live 10 years more and weigh on average 42 lbs less than us.

    (By the way, it has totally NOTHING to do with genetics or some secret-exercise and really, EVERYTHING around "how" they are eating.)

    BTW, I said "HOW", and not "WHAT"...

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